Very pleased with the GB Varangoi. They, at least, are compatible with the regular infantry. GB also had the grace to apologise for the length of time it took the order to arrive (still only 12 days so mustn't be too churlish!).
Friday, December 16, 2005
Tuesday, December 13, 2005
Gripping Beast Delivers
Thursday, December 08, 2005
Wednesday, December 07, 2005
Well, I went home last night and looked at all the horses and riders again. I have decided that the Crusader horses for normal cavalry are too big compared with their Kataphraktoi horses. The Gripping Beast horses look fine with the Crusader Kataphractoi horses. I think what I need to do is get some GB heavy cavalry and see how it looks. The fear is that it will be the large figures like in the command pack. Oh well. I am sure I can work out some combination that will work. The problem is that GB are not very fast in send ing stuff. I ordered from Perry Miniatures, Crusader and GB last Thursday and both the Perry and Crusader stuff arrived on Saturday. I am still waiting for the GB stuff.
Tuesday, December 06, 2005
Cavalry 2: The horses
Here is a comparison of four horses:
Left to right: Gripping Beast old, Gripping Beast new, Crusader normal, Crusader armoured.
The new GB horse is a little larger than the old one but still looks very small with its huge new rider. The Crusader horses are much larger, although the fully barded horse is smaller than the normal one. The saddle on the Crusader barded horse looks too high for where its back should be.
This picture shows a Crusader rider and mount (left) next to a Gripping Beast one (right).
The riders are, in fact, similar in size (see below) but the difference in horse size makes the Crusader figure as a whole seem much larger.
All in all, not very satisfactory but on balance I think I will go with the Crusader cavalry and the gripping beast infantry.
Saturday, December 03, 2005
I ordered some Crusader Byzantine cavalry to compare with the GB cavalry I bought at Warfare. The service was excellent: I ordered them on the afternoon of the 1st and they arrived on the morning of the 3rd. This first photo shows four riders from the front, the second from the rear.
GB BZC16 Generals and Standard Bearers, GB Kavallariori BZC02, Crusader DAB 101 Thematic/Tagmatic Kataphraktoi and DAB 103 Crusader Klibanophoroi.
I had heard that the newer GB figures were bigger than the old ones and, sadly, this is true. The GB Command are recent figures and are huge compared to the earlier kavallariori. I wouldn’t mix them in the same army let alone in the same unit. I will be selling them on.
Wednesday, November 30, 2005

Well, I bought my first unit at Warfare in Reading the other week. I was really intending to buy the Crusader figures but having looked at both those and the Gripping Beast figures I went for GB. I think it was the level of detail I was impressed by and the fact that the Crusader figures have rather odd proportions. The GB figures are not ideal and the faces, in particular, are very crude but we will see how they paint up. I have based a unit of twenty foot. But they also have nice Normans (which I hadn't looked at before-not as nice as the Perry Crusaders but still nice), Islamic figures, Rus and others which will all be compatible.
Thursday, November 10, 2005
Having looked at what is out there the choice for figures is going to be between Gripping Beast and Crusader . In order to decide which ones to go for I need to analyse their respective ranges. I don’t believe that the two are really compatible in size but I need to order a couple of packs to check. I have also heard via The Miniatures Page that the later GB figures are a different size from the earlier ones: an annoying habit of figure manufacturers which puts me right off!
First off I will look at the Varangians as they are likely to be the first unit I build as I love Norsemen and the only figure I currently own is Harald Hardrada as a Varangian officer which was a free gift with Beyond the Golden Gate. This figure was sculpted by Mark Sims of Crusader and is very nice. If all his Byzantine range is like this then it could be a good bet.
Gripping Beast offer 4 packs of Varangians:
BYZ01 Command (2 officers) a musician and standard bearer
BYZ02 Warriors (spearmen)
BYZ03 Palace Guard
BYZ04 Axemen
So sixteen different figures. Technically the palace guard wouldn’t fight in their full dress uniforms but I will need some for the Emperor’s retinue.
Crusader currently only offer 2 packs of Varangians:
DAB006 Varangian Guard with spears
DAB007 Varangian guard in parade dress.
However I believe that their will be 1 or 2 more packs of Varangians as DAB008 and 009 have not been allocated yet.
The GB spearmen figures are much more animated than the Crusader ones who are standing with spears upright. The poses of the Palace/parade dress figures are much more similar and one is identical ,based as they are on and Angus McBride illustration from the Osprey book Byzantine Armies 886-1118. The GB axemen are all in mid-swing but I have to say I don’t think that they are as nice as the GB Viking Double Handed axemen. These figures were much more anatomically correct than the more recent GB figures (Byzantine included) which are tending towards the dreaded (by me anyway) “big head syndrome”. I don’t think the current GB sculptors are a patch on the Pattens. I think I will pick up a unit of the GB axemen and the Crusader parade dress figures at Warfare in Reading in 10 days time and compare them for size. I suspect GB will be considerably taller.